Vision 2030

The Institute of Cape Wine Masters (ICWM) has announced its Vision 2030 programme for broadening racial and cultural representation in its membership, enhancing the reputation of the wine industry and the image of its products and building a contemporary and aspirational African wine culture through this engagement by involving more black candidates in the prestigious CWM qualification.

The International Wine and Spirit Competition (IWSC) has just confirmed its pledge of £2 500 (R50 000) towards this programme. “The IWSC funding is a most welcome kickstart to the wine journey of our first two Vision 2030 candidates, and ICWM is looking for more sponsors to follow this example” said Jacques Steyn, Chairman of the ICWM.

Four candidates have been selected to enter the programme over the next two years. They are Lethabo Komana, a chef and events management consultant, and Xolani Mancotywa, a certified sommelier, qualified chef and culinary artist. Lerato Thwane and Heinrich Bothman have already been lined up as the candidates for 2023-2025.

At the annual black-tie dinner of the ICWM held on Saturday evening 13 August the names of the winners of the Wine Personality of the Year and the Dave Hughes trophy were announced.

Lethabo Komana

Xolani Mancotywa