Vardas, Eftyhia (Prof)

Eftyhia is a qualified medical doctor and specialist clinical virologist. She currently is in private practice with Lancet Laboratories. She has assisted in editing and updating the Diploma notes for the CWA and has also lectured for the Diploma and Wines of the World...

Raath (Foxcroft), Mary-Lyn

Mary-Lyn is based in Johannesburg and works as a business consultant in financial services. Her initial enjoyment of wine began during her studies at Stellenbosch University but it was only in 2002 that she began her wine education through the Cape Wine Academy. She...

Le Roux, Danielle

Danielle le Roux grew up on a farm in the Overberg. She went to study agriculture at the University of Stellenbosch and fell in love with wine when she experienced the Cape Winelands and the mystery of wine. She graduated in 2000 with a degree in Bachelor of Science...

Blaauw, Duane (Dr)

Dr Duane Blaauw currently works as a medical doctor, public health specialist and health systems researcher at the University of the Witwatersrand. He followed the typical wine hobbyist evolution from uninformed quaffer to interested amateur, and then obsessive...

Bauer, Rolene (Dr)

Rolene Bauer is a natural scientist, working at the Institute for Plant Biotechnology in the Genetics Department of the University of Stellenbosch, where she also serves on expert wine-tasting panels in the Food Science department and the Institute for Wine...